What James is currently going through is something he can finally say he conquered that neither MJ or Kobe Bryant could. He is more than wanted in every city. He's coveted. Has the NBA ever had a player like this before? One that is more influential and has a bigger impact than a governor? Heck, even state politicians and mayors have jumped in the 'Lebron Sweepstakes' and made attempts to lure the phenom to their city. There have been rap songs released where the most popular artists from different cities like Chicago, New York, L.A., etc. where they are trying to convince 'the king' to join their team. Don't believe me? LISTEN
The man is a giant. He will shatter a collection of NBA records while at the same time be transforming into the most expensive individual on the planet.
He hasn't even one a championship yet. is going to climb. Hopefully he makes the right decision and does it for the city of Cleveland where he started. It will only make him look better and the whole town might actually get him a crown and bow at his feet. At least in my book, going to Miami in a package with Chris Bosh is a cop-out. Who wouldn't expect the best player on the planet to win several championships on a team that includes Dwayne Wade (arguably the second-best on the planet) and a perrenial all-star in Bosh?
I still hope he never gets a ring, but he can at least prove me wrong if he does it in Cleveland. I've said all along he hasn't proven squat and that he won't get a ring without a lot of help. But at the same time, even that might not get him his first ring.
Imagine if he were to join Wade in Miami along with Bosh. What would people say? It would go down as the team was still Wade's, and that he set the whole thing up. And I think Lebron won't take that chance. He wants to be the man, and they already have one down in the Miami heat. He needs the spotlight and a great portion of it, and he wouldn't get the credit that he wants if he were to succeed in Miami.
I think it is very interesting that he is so sought after by just about every city. And I never thought about the fact that that is something he has over MJ and Kobe. I guess only time will tell where he ends up!