More than the obvious abscence of finesse in LBJ's repetoire, the reigning MVP's attitude and willingness to stand alone separates him from the two future hall of famers. When I watch James play, I am be being completely honest when I say that what I see doesn't impress me. His numbers are phenomenal no doubt, but again, it just doesn't impress me for some reason. The ball is in his hands 80% of every possession, and every defender collapses on him because of his freakish athletic abilities. In addition, he's 6'7 250 something and all he can do is over power people. His ball handling is not great, his instincts are not great, he's not a great jump-shooter, and he's really not all that clutch when it comes down to it. His game resembles that of a power back running the "FB Plunge" in Madden 2003. Again, he's a dominant player who puts up impressive statistics on paper, but all these rediculous comparisions need to cease. He crumbled in two of the most important games of his career this season, and will probably jump ship this off-season. Next point.
If you told Michael Jordan that he couldn't shoot a blind-folded free throw left-handed, he would go to all lengths just to prove you wrong. Since he began his career in '84, MJ made a committment to bring the Bulls franchise to greatness, and he did it to an extent that no one had ever before.
Lebron has been faced with a challenge since being taken number one overall out of high school in the 2003 NBA Draft. He has brought the once disfunctional Cavalier franchise from the very bottom to conference contenders. But for once in his career, James is finally being questioned if he actually has what it takes to put the city on his back and carry them to the top of the basketball world. And because of this recent scrutiny, he will thoroughly explore his free agency this summer and look for a place to justify his career.
Kobe and Jordan each have spent their career's with one franchise which only adds to their legacy. Jordan spent the first seven years of his career without a championship trophy, and was determined to show that he could rise he and his team to greatness. Kobe won his first three with Shaq, but was criticized heavily afterwards that he couldn't do it without him. He also was determined to silence the critics, and did so in '09 with hopes of repeating this year as well.
If Lebron really wants to earn respect and join the elite, there would be no better way to do it than by bringing the Cavs a championship. The impact on the franchise itself would be huge, but the impact on the city of Cleveland would be far greater. Unfortunately enough, James will tank both the Cavs and the city of Cleveland, the same way he did in his soon-to-be final series with the team from the area he calls "home."
ReplyDeleteI agree I hate to hear new comers being compared to older people in any industry. Especially, when they can never live up to them. In my opinion Lebron will NEVER be a Kobe or Jordan. I know this is cliche, but he needs to be a follower before he can truly lead. I feel as if he goes to a franchise where he is not the head of the team that might benefit him. I get so tired of the Lebron James hype. I will respect him less if he leaves Clevland, but I cannot wait to see what he does. I think the fans and his fellow teammates finally realized as you and I do, that he is not all he's cracked up to be. What team do you think he might try to join?
unfortunately, Chicago. Obviously, I'm a Bulls fan and my previous blogs indicate my strong dislike towards Lebron. He would love to try to live in the shadows of Jordan and try to accomplish what he did. I'm just hoping the Bulls just land a low-post threat like Bosh or Boozer. I wouldn't complain if they got Wade though.
ReplyDeleteProps to you WIll!
ReplyDeleteSome people will read this and try to prove you wrong but the proof is in the pudding or winnings for this case. I like that you broght up he's a lone player. Teams win championships not people.
He is not, and cannot ever live up to the legacy of Michael Jordan. If he proves me wrong, I'll eat my words, but until then.#yeahisaidit
ReplyDeleteLebron will have to reach very very high to reach where Michael did. Until then, he has got a long road ahead of him assuming he still sticks to living up to Michael at all.